Latest Information for Indian Nationals in France
As per Government of India’s latest Travel Advisory issued by the Office of the Director General of Civil Aviation (DGCA) dated May 30, 2020, (attached), all scheduled international commercial passenger services shall remain closed till 2359 hrs IST of 30th June, 2020. This advisory is in continuation to DGCA’s earlier travel advisory published on May 17, 2020. No commercial flight would therefore be allowed to transport passengers from France to India till the temporary travel restrictions are in place.
2. In view of the above, all Indian nationals are requested to:
- Stay safe and isolated within their residential premises and follow the advisories released by the French Government from time to time;
- Avoid unnecessary travel even within the vicinity of stay;
- Approach local authorities of France through the following two Helplines 15 (SAMU) for any medical assistance and 0800130000 for any other non-medical Covid-19 related advice;
- Extension of tenures of Visas: French Government has announced that all Residence Permits and Long Term Stay Visas that are scheduled to expire between March 16, 2020 and May 15, 2020, will remain valid for 6 months from the date of expiry. The holders of short term Visas whose Visas have expired or are due to expire may, in justified emergency cases, benefit from an extension of short-stay visa (for up to 90 days) or a provisional residence permit. Such holders of short term Visas are advised to contact their local prefecture. For more information please visit:;
- Please note that net-banking and internet money transfer services are operational in France.
- The French government has extended the period of ‘La trêve hivernale’ till 31 July 2020, under which no tenant can be evicted out of their residential premises. For more information, please go to :
- Students in France may see the guidelines issued by French government to see if they are eligible for financial assistance :
- Contact Details of this Mission:
Email: mincons[dot]paris[at]mea[dot]gov[dot]in and cons[dot]paris[at]mea[dot]gov[dot]in
Telephone: +33 648340063
Website –, and
Facebook, Instagram and Twitter handle of this Embassy can also be followed for latest information.