HE. Mr. Sanjeev Singla
Ambassador of India to France and the Principality of Monaco
A career diplomat, Ambassador Sanjeev Singla joined the Indian Foreign Service in 1997. He has served in various capacities in Indian Missions abroad in Paris (September 1999-December 2002), Dhaka (December 2005-December 2008), Geneva (January 2009-August 2011) and Tel Aviv (November 2013-July 2014), and at headquarters in Delhi in the Ministry of External Affairs on the US desk (December 2002-June 2004), as Deputy Chief of Protocol (July 2004-December 2005), and as Director, Foreign Secretary’s Office (August 2011-October 2013). He was Private Secretary to the Prime Minister during August 2014-August 2019, and India's Ambassador to Israel during October 2019-December 2024.
He is married to a fellow batchmate and diplomat, Mrs. K. Nandini, who has served as India’s Ambassador to Portugal and India's High Commissioner to Mauritius, and is currently the Director General of Indian Council for Cultural Relations.